On Abundance (& Pancakes) In Times of Pandemic

Courage, Life, Mindfulness, Spirit

The key to abundance is to meet limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.” – Marianne Williamson


France has been in lockdown, or confinement in French, since March 17. President Macron has announced another 4 weeks of the same until May 11.

It’s in times like these that I’m especially thankful for my life circumstances: living in the countryside gives me access to nature at my doorstep, a sparsely popualted region means little contact with crowds of people and I can rest assured, knowing that I’m taken care of, both financially and health-wise. The picture is vastly more difficult and desperately urgent for so many.

Living through this lockdown hasn’t changed my everyday life too much. I work from home and only go out for provisions and exercise, which is pretty much what I was doing before.

But something feels different.

Every act of care (for myself, for others) feels so much more meaningful. More intentional.

Preparing Food

Even though I don’t eat much bread, I have always enjoyed making it. Last week I was preparing a loaf for my husband, Jean-Marc, because we had run out. Somehow the act of making bread felt like a moment of extreme self-care and self-sufficiency. Knowing the recipe by heart, kneading the dough, letting it rise, taking the beautiful steaming loaf out of the oven… all felt so nourishing and comforting.

If we need bread, I can make bread. (It was so reassuring to remember this.)

Cooking meals has had the same effect. Using up what’s left in our pantry in innovative ways, preparing locally-grown organic veggies and eating every single meal with my husband feels like a treat.

We’re nourishing our relationship and ourselves.

Building Community

And then there is the sense of community that has sprung out of this lockdown. Anytime someone from the village goes into town for groceries, we put out the message to see if anybody needs anything. Sometimes I’m shopping for 4 households at a time and I do so with a full heart and without any sense of resentement.

The local Tuesday bread drop-off by a couple of women who make organic sourdough in their wood oven has expanded to include the organic lentils grown by our mayor, and her brother’s organic flours and handmade pasta. There are fresh eggs from the neighbour, goat’s cheese and honey from a village down the road and organic veggies from a local grower.

All this has me thinking of one thing: abundance.

Abundance (& Pancakes)

Some people might think of abundance in terms of money, but for me it’s always been about so much more. When I was 8 years old, a friend and I were invited to spend the weekend at a young couple’s house. Our good friends of the family, Marion and Dave, had invited us to their beachfront cottage so that we could attend the annual sand sculpture competition with them and then have a fun summer sleepover. Their cottage was modest, light, airy and welcoming.

I remember the next morning waking up to the smell of buckwheat pancakes. We were treated to a pancake breakfast, complete with strawberries and whipped cream. What a treat! I remember eating those pancakes in that whitewashed kitchen, taking in its large windows, hanging plants and open shelves full of mason jars filled with grains, seeds and beans (4o years ahead of #pinterestgoals).

I thought to myself, “this is the life!”

Ever since that day, whether it was conscious or not, I have always sought out that warm and welcoming sense of cosiness and abundance wherever I have lived. For me the abundance was in those mason jars, the extravagance of fresh strawberries and whipped cream on my pancakes, and the comfort of that beachfront cottage.

And so now, in these times of lockdown and pandemic, I’m noticing that readily available produce, the goodwill of my neighbours and my access to nature, has reinforced that feeling of abundance. From the outside my life might not seem very luxurious, but I feel like I have more than enough and my heart is filled to overflowing with gratitude for all that I have.

So what’s changed? What have these new circumstances done to increase my feeling of abundance? I think it boils down to this:

1. Generosity

Offering to pick up groceries for others and checking in with friends and neighbours has me in a giving frame of mind. Giving selflessly puts me in an abundance mindset.

2. Gratitude

Being thankful for all that I have – even the small things – makes me realize how much fortune I have. Everything seems like a wonderful gift.

3. Presence

With only being allowed 1 hour per day to go outside for a walk (with a signed declaration!) I drink in my surroundings as I walk. I use the principles of my Creative Walking Tour to tune into my senses and really see, hear, smell and feel the world around me. Walking in nature also has the added benefits of biophilia, reinforcing my connection with other life forms in nature.

4. Time

We still have the same amount of hours in the day, but somehow time feels more expansive at the moment. Is it just me? Maybe it’s having my husband home all day, or the lack of alarm clocks, but my sense of time feels relaxed and that has me feeling… abundant!

As we continue on into an uncertain future, I urge you to look at your life and find all the ways you are feeling abundance. What’s changed for you? What seems to have more meaning? How are you tuning into your world differently through lockdown?

Wishing you all health, happiness and safety!

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