Following Your Intuition On The Midlife Schmidlife Podcast
Early in January, I sat down for a conversation with Liz Applegate for her "How They Got Started" series on the Midlife Schmidlife Podcast. We got to chatting about how I came to live in France, and how my intuition told me exactly what I wanted early in my career,...
The Importance of Getting Grounded
Getting Grounded & Rooting Down Like a Tree "Be like a tree. Stay grounded. Connect with your roots. Turn over a new leaf. Bend before you break. Enjoy your unique natural beauty. Keep growing." - Joanne Raptis Trees and I have a lot more in common than you'd...
Change Is Possible
Want to know the number one thing people say BEFORE they begin their sophrology journey with me? “That’s just the way I am. I don’t think I can change.” In their mind, change isn’t possible because they feel it’s the hardware with which they were born. Many people...
How Creative Walking Tours and Sophrology Are Related
If you look at my offerings on my website, you’ll see that I’m a certified sophrologist, working both 1:1 and with groups. You’ll also notice a lot of information around Creative Walking Tours! At first glance, it may be hard to see what connects the two, but in fact,...
Sophrology on the Be Uncluttered Podcast
Just a few days after my appearance on The Rosa Coelho Podcast, another podcast I recorded with Tara Tuttle of the Be Uncluttered Podcast came out! The episode is called Sophrology with Marianne de Kleer and covers things like what Sophrology feels like and how it's...
How To Go From Uninspired and Stuck to Living A Vibrant Life
One of my goals in 2021 was to get the word out about sophrology. Since it's relatively unknown in the English-speaking world, there's a lot of work to do! In addition to writing blog posts, holding free group sophrology sessions, and posting about it on social media,...
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
Are you regularly getting a good night’s sleep? On a scale of 1 to 5, how well do you sleep? How often do you sleep well? If you’re in the US, you might be one of the 68% of the population who has difficulty sleeping at least one night per week. Over here in France,...
How to Thrive and Flourish
“To flourish is to find fulfillment in our lives, accomplishing meaningful and worthwhile tasks, and connecting with others at a deeper level—in essence, living the good life.” - Dr. Martin Seligman Surviving Versus Flourishing Are you confident, inspired, energetic,...
How Sophrology Can Help Burnout
“If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.” - Banksy Nearing Burnout I’ve been noticing a lot of the same things coming up in client sessions lately: loss of energy, lack of enthusiasm, dissatisfaction with work, and general anxiety. Part of this may be due to the...