Feeling Steady With Your Anchor Foods

Feeling Steady With Your Anchor Foods

Turning to our anchor foods after the holidays can be a gentle reminder to our body and mind to come back home to what feels best. Just last week, I was out for a walk with my friend and neighbour, and she shared that she was still having a hard time feeling good in...

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5 Senses Mindfulness Activity

5 Senses Mindfulness Activity

This 5 Senses Mindfulness Activity is a simple exercise to  get grounded in the present moment anywhere, anytime. Wherever you may find yourself, take a moment to use your 5 senses to feel, hear, see, smell and taste, (when applicable!) everything around you. Since...

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Making New Friends As An Adult

Making New Friends As An Adult

When it comes to our physical and mental health, good friendships are as important as eating nutritiously, exercise and mindful movement. This is especially true as we get older, yet making new friends as an adult can be somewhat of a challenge. It's Never Too Late...

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10 Ways To Flow With The Darker Seasons

10 Ways To Flow With The Darker Seasons

Are you struggling to flow with the darker seasons? You're not alone! It’s interesting how we have organized our school and work around the seasons. I don’t know about you, but September always feels like the beginning of the year for me; school starts up, the local...

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Leap And The Net Will Appear

Leap And The Net Will Appear

Back in the 90s, when Julia Cameron's "The Artist's Way" was all the rage, I bought myself a copy and devoured the information. I tried to incorporate as many of the ideas into my life as possible. I remember reading the many inspirational quotes on the sides of the...

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Creative Walking Tour Challenge

Nov 27 - Dec 1, 2023

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Saturday, February 20, 2021
6:30pm CET Paris time

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